All the goodness of the 19th century through WWI era
Archive Couture Patterns
Patterns from rare period sources. These generally are from the 1800s through...
E-Books and Reference
Digitally restored period sources on fashion history from the Victorian era through...
E-Patterns- Sizes 44"+ Bust
These patterns are available in size 44" bust or higher. Some are...
Knitting, Crochet, and Crafts
Here's all the vintage needlecraft goodness, including knitting, crochet, and craft patterns...
Pattern Preservation Project
Reproductions of rare antique original sewing patterns.
Printed Patterns
Pre-Printed patterns on big paper mailed to you! No cutting and pasting...
Resto-Vival Patterns
These are vintage patterns that are *restored and revived*, from period sources...
Sewing E-Pattern Downloads
Download and print at home or at a copy shop! And if...
Signature Styles Patterns
Signature Styles patterns are patterns drafted by Lauren of Wearing History, patterns...